Cabinet handle is better than invisible handle or open handle

Cabinet handle is better than invisible handle or open handle

Both the invisible handle and the open handle will never be out of date. The invisible handle is suitable for light European style, while the open handle is suitable for most styles.

Both the invisible handle and the open handle will never be out of date. The invisible handle is suitable for light European style, while the open handle is suitable for most styles. There is a problem with the invisible handle. If the door seam is too wide, unattractive, and the door seam is too narrow, the handle edges in the hinge direction will rub against each other when opening the door. If the handle edges are worn slant and unattractive, they can only be seen through continuous use to make them naturally run in, It will take about half a year to a year. The aluminum alloy edge banding needs a 3MM thick groove and corner banding to be fashionable. It is required that it is qualified if it cannot be removed by hand and cannot be glued. The chrome-plated corner joint is not good-looking, but some colors and styles are not suitable for metal edge banding, such as wine red, pure European style, ancient Roman style, and Barot style, American Dehua era style (pastoral style), etc. In recent years, aluminum alloy edge banding is not popular because of poor carpentry skills and the use of inferior aluminum alloy edge banding strips. The use of bright handles and PVC edge banding with the same color are the mainstream in the current market

Recommend a high-quality manufacturer aosituohandle


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